Web services of Plant GARDEN and PGDBj have been resumed. The network maintenance will be held during the period below, and the services w...
Web services of Plant GARDEN and PGDBj will be temporarily unavailable. The system maintenances will be held during the period below, and the services w...
Services of Hayai-Annotation Plants v2.0 and KusakiDB v1.0 have been temporarily suspended. Services of Hayai-Annotation Plants v2.0 and KusakiDB v1.0 have been temporarily...
Genome data has been added. ・Bluebells, Prairie gentian (Eustoma grandiflorum, 10B-620, Egra_v1.0)・Japanese ...
Genome data has been added. ・Somei-Yoshino (Cerasus x yedoensis, Somei-Yoshino, CYE_r3.1.pmol)・Early-floweri...